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We Analyze and suggest the best AG TECH fit based on customer needs.

We work with different partners (Companies and Growers) to develop AG TECH presence in Latin-America.

We work with companies and growers to guarantee an effective AG TECH integration

Business Development

We analyze and evaluate business opportunities and services related to business market reports, legal requirements, operational and finance reports

We analyze your business idea and follow the creation process until the business starts its operations by applying lean canvas method

We analyze with the customer major gaps , current and desire stages, and by applying analytical techniques, we develop an action plan to accelerate your business and  guarantee control and autonomy by the customer

Operations Management And Engineering Consulting Services

Review and Redesign Operations Strategies to meet company short and long term goals This includes step by step route in order to guarantee a successful execution.

Develop Production Model based on waste and defect reduction by using lean manufacturing and Six Sigma principles.  This includes step by step route in order to guarantee a successful execution.

We work with the team on specific projects based on customer needs and using problem solving tools and techniques such as A3, DMAIC in order to guarantee successful execution.

Field assessment designed to detect opportunities , measure outputs and assess reliability.

We help our customers to design operational measurement systems (Key Performance Indicators) aligned with Operations and Company strategies.

We work with our customer to design, review or adapt quality focus for the company based on customer requirements.

Operational Excellence -
Growth - Sustainability

We help companies to develop and improve their businesses to a superior profit level via operational excellence mindset by bringing continuous value to the customer . Our system is focus on building the management foundation, process

Our approach allows our customers to:

Help Management team/Business owners to stay focus by allocate resource to high impact opportunities 

for all the members of the company, from Owner ,Managers to employees follow the same direction

Our daily management system is data driven and generates accountability to all the teams (Understand your profit formula in the daily operations)

by using Lean Manufacturing , Six Sigma, Lean Business Principles